Feedback Form

Submit an Attraction or Business

Submit an Attraction or Business

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Be sure to include how your attraction relates to the Lewis and Clark story.
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LC Features: significant Lewis & Clark Expedition interpretation.
Tribal Experiences: significant Native American interpretation.
Galleries and Venues: galleries that sell their art, theaters, performing arts.
Guided Tours: in-person and self-guided tours.
Cultural Districts: historic districts and small towns historic towns.
Festivals and Events: Recurring events. Consider using our Events form instead.
Fun and Sports: amusements, water sports, skiing, golf, hunting, fishing, sports venues, etc.
Outfitters: provides equipment and guide services.
General History: sites with interpretation other than LC Features, Tribal Experiences, Museums and Interpretive Centers, Forts, Shopping, or Guided Tours.
Other: City visitor centers without exhibits, cemeteries, memorials, statuary, murals, churches, etc.

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