The Lewis and Clark Trail Experience (LCTE) is a program and bold initiative originally created by the National Park Service’s Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail (LCNHT) and transferred to the Lewis & Clark Trail Alliance (LCTA) in late 2023. This innovative program is designed to enhance interpretation, engagement, visitation, and travel along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. It also aims to boost the economic viability of affiliated historic and commercial tribal and small business enterprises along the trail corridor.
Lewis & Clark Trail Alliance is a 501(c)(3) partner organization to the LCNHT. Established in 1969, the Alliance collaborates with numerous organizations and agencies, including government, nonprofit, and private entities, to safeguard and enhance the Trail. We are fortunate to have over 1,000 dedicated members who generously volunteer their time and expertise to support our efforts in Trail preservation, interpretation, and education.
The Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail (LCNHT) is approximately 4,900 miles long, extending from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to the mouth of the Columbia River, near present day Astoria, Oregon, following the historic outbound and inbound routes of the Lewis and Clark Expedition plus the preparatory section from Pennsylvania to Wood River, Illinois. The trail connects 16 states and many Tribal lands. The trail was established by Congress in 1978 as part of the national trails system (NTS) as one of four original national historic trails and extended by 1,200 miles in 2019. It is the mission of the National Park Service to preserve the remnants of the historic route of 1803-1806 Corps of Discovery Expedition located along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail and to provide a comprehensive interpretation of its history, including the American Indian perspective, to allow for better visitor understanding and appreciation of its significance.